Course contents
General Pedagogy B (6 credits-36 hours), professor : Monica Ferrari (the class will take place in the second half of the first semester). Course title: "Manifestos for the reform of education systems in the West: proposals for an education in understanding".
The course will deal with education to citizenship in the democratic sense and with awareness of cultural diversity as a resource based on the reading of some important studies on the topic, in the broader context of an international consciousness of the need for a reform of the current way of thinking about the teaching process in the national education systems of the West.
Reccomended or required readings
GENERAL PEDAGOGY B (6 credits-36 hours): professor Monica FERRARI; course title: Manifestos for the reform of educations systems in the West: proposals for an education in understanding.
Reference texts (in the editions that will become available):
Attending and non-attending students will choose 2 volumes from those indicated below:
J. Dewey, Come pensiamo, trad. it. Milano, RCS-La Nuova Italia, 2000.
H. Gardner, Verità, bellezza, bontà. Educare alle virtù nel XXI secolo, trad. it. Milano, Feltrinelli, 2011.
D. Goleman, P. Senge, A scuola di futuro. Manifesto per una nuova educazione, trad. it. Milano, Rizzoli ETAS, 2016.
I. Illich, Descolarizzare la società, trad. it. Milano, Mimesis, 2010.
E. Morin, Insegnare a vivere. Manifesto per cambiare l’educazione, trad. it. Milano, Raffaello Cortina editore, 2015.
Scuola di Barbiana, Lettera a una professoressa, Firenze, Libreria editrice fiorentina, 1967.
In addition attending students will choose 1 volume from those indicated below, while non-attending ones will choose 2:
E.. Morin, La testa ben fatta. Riforma dell’insegnamento e riforma del pensiero, trad. it. Milano, Raffaello Cortina editore, 2000.
M. Ferrari, F. Ledda, SAPIENSSII, Milano, FrancoAngeli, 2012.
J. Dewey, Democrazia e educazione, trad. it. Milano, Sansoni, 2008.
G. Zagrebelsky, Imparare democrazia, Torino, Einaudi, 2007.