Enrollment year
Academic year
Academic discipline
Year of study
(24/09/2018 - 09/01/2019)
Lesson hours
36 lesson hours
Activity type
Learning outcomes
The class is aimed at illustrating to students the general backgrounds, the conceptual frameworks, the models and approaches related to educational theories with particular reference to educational and scholastic institutions; it is also aimed at providing students with a specific terminology to refer to educational phenomena and concepts; finally, it is aimed at understanding and commenting texts of educational theory through specific reading lists.
Course contents
Title: The educational relationship in early childhood and at school: psychoanalytic perspectives

The growth of the young child is not only due to biological factors but is closely linked to his context of life and the people who take care of him. "There is no baby without a mother and no mother without a baby," says Winnicott, expressing strongly the development relational character. Psychoanalysis not only gives us a new and peculiar picture of the child but also invites us to consider the growth as a result of an encounter between the child and his caregivers, which involves both, albeit in different ways. In the educational relationship, the adult, parent/educator/teacher, is strongly called into play, not always consciously . To contribute to a good educational relationship it is required that the adult is able to govern his own subjectivity and to offer support for the development which is respectful to the peculiarities of the child and aware of how learning is interwined with the affective dimension. The course will present the theme through the reading of texts by Sigmund and Anna Freud, V. Schmidt, S. Isaacs, D. Winnicott, B. Bettelheim, and more recent bibliographical references.
Teaching methods
Lectures. All the professor’s lessons aim at favouring students’ active participation and interactive dialogue in group work. The participation of other professors/researchers/experts with and interest in the course topic is possible.
Reccomended or required readings
- S. Freud, Al di là del principio di piacere, Boringhieri
- S. Freud, Psicologia del ginnasiale, in Opere, vol. VII, Boringhieri, pp. 475-480
- S. Isaacs, da Lo sviluppo sociale dei bambini, La Nuova Italia
- Freud A., Burlingham D., Bambini senza famiglia, in Opere, vol.1 , Boringhieri.
- Schmidt V., L’asilo psicoanalitico di Mosca, Emme edizioni
- Winnicott D., Gioco e realtà, Armando
- Winnicott D., I bambini e le loro madri, Cortina
- Bettelheim B, Un genitore quasi perfetto, Feltrinelli
- A. Bondioli, D. Savio, Educare l'infanzia, Carocci
- Salzberg-Wittemberg, G. Henry-Polacco, E. Osborne, L’esperienza emotiva nei processi di insegnamento e di apprendimento, Napoli, Liguori.
Assessment methods
Students WHO HAVE ATTENDED the class will take an oral exam.

Students WHO HAVE NOT ATTENDED the class will take a written exam (the format of which shall feature 6 open-ended questions) until the exam session of September 2019. After this date, there will be an oral exam for this programme of study also for students who have not attended the class.

Texts for students who HAVE NOT ATTENDED the class

- B. Bettelheim, Un genitore quasi perfetto, Feltrinelli, (capp. 4, 5, 6, 8, 9,10, 11, 18)
- A. Bondioli, D. Savio, Educare l'infanzia, Carocci.
- Salzberg-Wittemberg I., G. Henry-Polacco, E. Osborne, L’esperienza emotiva nei processi di insegnamento e di apprendimento, Liguori.

Texts for students who HAVE ATTENDED the class

- A. Bondioli, D. Savio, Educare l'infanzia, Carocci.
- Salzberg-Wittemberg I., G. Henry-Polacco, E. Osborne, L’esperienza emotiva nei processi di insegnamento e di apprendimento, Liguori (parte I, II e III)

- Texts you choose from those presented during the course.
(The booklet of such texts edited by the teacher is available at the CLU bookshop of Pavia).

Exam indicators:
- knowledge of the basic texts of the exam program
- ability to explain, autonomously, the silver threads that link some of the points in the basic texts, coherently with the exam program
- ability to critically analyse and personally re-elaborate the issue proposed by the course
- clear and logically coherent presentation
- lexical accuracy
Further information
All attendino and not attending students will be able to obtain the material presented in lessons (slides) by jogging in with their University credentials at Kiro.
For information, please contact the tutor: letizia.terna01@univesritàdipavia.
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