Enrollment year
Academic year
Year of study
2nd semester (26/02/2018 - 01/06/2018)
No prerequisites are required
Learning outcomes
A whole comprehension of historical processes.
Acquisition of critical methodology in analysing ancient sources.
The course aims to provide knowledges about the most significant themes and aspects of the ancient Greek history with a closer focus on the relationship beetween Greeks and the barbarian "other" and on the representation of "barbarity" Greek thought from the first encounters with non-Greek peoples down to the mid-fourth century. Emphasis will be put on the method of analysis of different sources (literary, archaeological, epigraphic and numismatic evidences). A part of the course shall be dedicated to the study of the historiography and to the ‘documentary’ material used by greek historians in their works
Course contents
I (modulo A): Lectures aim to present the outlines and the main problems of Greek history from the formation of the palaces in Crete up to the Philip II of Macedonia (382-336 BC), with a closer focus on the history of Greek religion.
Particular attention will be devoted to the study of some particular aspect of Greek historiography (from the origin of greek historiography to Xenophon)
Literary and historical sources shall be read in the original languages, traslated in italian and commentated.
II (modulo B): After a general introduction devoted to Alexander the Great, the course aims to provide knowledges about the most significant themes and aspects of the Hellenistic history until the Roman Conquest. Emphasis will be put on the method of analysis of different sources (literary, archaeological, epigraphic and numismatic evidences). A part of the course shall be dedicated to the study of the Greek Historiography after the Roman Conquest ( Polybius, Diodorus, Pausanias).
Teaching methods
- Lectures
- Problem solving
- Analysis and translations of greek sources
- Use of Interactive Maps of Ancient Greece
- Visits to museums, historic city-centres and archaeological sites.
Reccomended or required readings
A book of your choice from the following list:
- C. Bearzot, Manuale di storia greca, il Mulino, Bologna, 2015 (nuova edizione)
- M. Bettalli (a cura di), Storia greca, Carocci Editore, Roma, 2006
- Storia greca (a cura di L. Breglia, F. Guizzi, F. Raviola), EdiSES, Bologna, 2014.

Introduzione alla storiografia greca, a c. di M. Bettalli, Carocci, Roma, 2009 (nuova edizione): pag. 1-121

An Atlas of Ancient & Classical Geography of your choice
(ex. gr.:

4. For further study (optional)
- M. Lupi, Sparta. Storia e rappresentazioni di una città greca, Carocci Editore, Roma, 2017.
- Iscrizioni greche. Un’antologia, a cura di C. Antonetti e S. De Vido, Carocci Editore, Roma, 2017.
- M. Moggi, La polis e dintorni. Saggi raccolti in occasione del 75° compleanno, a cura di S. Ferrucci, Edizioni ETS, Pisa 2017.
Assessment methods
Oral examination. During the exam the student must be able to demonstrate
- her/his knowledge of the most significant themes and aspects of the ancient Greek history and historiography, explained in a sufficient correct scientific language;
- her/his ability to analyze, interpret and comment greek and latin sources and documents.
Further information
Oral examination. During the exam the student must be able to demonstrate
- her/his knowledge of the most significant themes and aspects of the ancient Greek history and historiography, explained in a sufficient correct scientific language;
- her/his ability to analyze, interpret and comment greek and latin sources and documents.

The activity is split