Enrollment year
Academic year
Academic discipline
Year of study
2nd semester (26/02/2018 - 01/06/2018)
Lesson hours
54 lesson hours
Spanish Castilian,
Activity type
Will require a good passive knowledge and a good working knowledge of the Spanish language. This examination may be taken only after passing Spanish Language 1 and Spanish Literature 1 (the examinatione for the students of Spanish Literature 3 may be taken only after passing Spanish Language 2 and Spanish Literature 2).
Learning outcomes
Knowledge of the history of Spanish literature from the beginning to the fifteenth century (of the golden age for students who have to attend Spanish Literature 3) through an exemplary selection of her texts; And an in-depth study of a significant author of Spanish literature and his work, framed in a broader cultural perspective with specific critical and textual references.
Course contents
1. Monographic Section

"La poesia di Manuel Machado"

- Manuel Machado, "Antología poética", edición de Arturo Ramoneda, Madrid, Alianza, 2007.
- Gordon Brotherston, "Manuel Machado", Madrid, Taurus, 1976.
- 3 essay chosen from: "Doce comentarios a la poesía de Manuel Machado", Sevilla, Universidad de Sevilla, 1975.

Students who did not attend the lessons will add to the bibliography indicated by the study of:
- Rafael Alarcón Sierra, "«El mal poema» de Manuel Machado. Una lírica moderna y dialógica", Madrid, Biblioteca Nueva, 2008.
- Dámaso Alonso, "Ligereza y gravedad en la poesía de Manuel Machado", "Revista de la Biblioteca Archivo y Museo", 55 (1947), pp. 197-240 (now in his "Obras completas", vol. IV, Madrid, Gredos, 1975, pp. 547-593).

2. Institutional section (for Spanish Literature 2)
“Spanish Literature of the Middle Age”
C. Alvar, J.-C. Mainer, R. Navarro, “Breve historia de la literatura española”, Madrid, Alianza: “La Edad media”, pp. 15-231.
G. Caravaggi, A. D’Agostino, “Antologia della letteratura spagnola. Dalle origini al Quattrocento”, Milano, LED, 1996: capp. II, III, IV (but the pp. 62-71), V, VI, VIII, X (only Elena y María, pp. 168-172), XI (escluse le pp. 202-215), XIII, XV, XVI, XVII, XIX (only Jorge Manrique, pp. 345-356), XXI, XXVIII, XIX, XXXI, XXXII, XXXIII, XXXIV).
L. Gentilli, G. Mazzocchi, J. Sepúlveda, “Antologia della letteratura spagnola. I secoli d’oro”, Milano, LED, 1996: only chap. X, “La Celestina”, pp. 353-368.

2. Institutional section (for Spanish Literature 3)
“Spanish Literature of the Golden Age”

- C. Alvar, J.-C. Mainer, R. Navarro, “Breve historia de la literatura española”, Madrid, Alianza: “La Edad de Oro”, pp. 233-429.

- L. Gentilli, G. Mazzocchi, J. Sepúlveda, “Antologia della letteratura spagnola. I secoli d’oro”, Milano, LED, 1996; the following texts are NOT part of the program:
Garci Rodríguez de Montalvo, “Amadís: Capítulo XXV” (pp. 45-48); Molinos, “Guía espiritual” (pp. 89-92); Alemán, “Guzmán de Alfarache: Segunda parte. Libro tercero. Capitulo VII” (pp. 149-152); Quevedo, “La vida del Buscón: Libro III. Capítulo décimo” (pp. 160-165); Saavedra Fajardo, “Empresa 46” (pp. 171-174); Gracián, “Oráculo manual” (pp. 175-178); “El criticón” (pp. 183-191); Castillejo, “Diálogo de mujeres” (pp. 222-224); Acuña, “Sin temor de venir” (pp. 226-228); Hurtado de Mendoza, “Carta en redondillas “ (pp. 234-236); Aldana, “Canción a Cristo crucificado” (pp. 260-263); Ercilla, “Canto XXVIII, 4-29” (pp. 266-272); Figueroa, all (pp. 277-280); Alcázar, all (pp. 280-282); Barahona de Soto, all (pp. 282-285); L. Argensola, all (pp. 286-287); B. Argensola, all (pp. 287-290); Medrano, all (pp. 303-305); Góngora, “Soledades I, 845-943” (pp. 315-320); Villamediana, all (pp. 342-347); Carrillo y Sotomayor, all (pp. 347-350); Fernando de Rojas, “La Celestina” (pp. 353-368); Torres Naharro, “Comedia Ymenea” (pp. 369-375); Lope de Vega, “Lo fingido verdadero: Jornada II, Jornada III” (pp. 426-432); Tirso de Molina, “Don Gil de las calzas verdes” (pp. 458-469); Moreto, all (pp. 470-478); Calderón de la Barca, “Fortunas de Andrómeda y Perseo” (pp. 519-527); Suárez de Figueroa, all (pp. 539-544); Bances Candamo, all (pp. 544-548).
Teaching methods
Lectures dedicated for about 70% to the monographic part of the program, and for the rest to the institutional part. There are hours of tutoring to support the preparation of the institutional part.
Reccomended or required readings
Cfr. program.
Assessment methods
Oral examination, to be held in Spanish for both parts of the program.
Monographic Part: The student must demonstrate the knowledge of the subjects and materials examined during the lessons or listed in the bibliography, and must be able to translate and comment on the literary texts included in the program.
Institutional part: The student of "Spanish Literature 2" will have to be able to expose the history of Spanish literature from its origins to the times of the Catholic Kings in its essential developments and with particular attention to the texts indicated in the program; The student of "Spanish Literature 3" will have to be able to expose the history of Spanish literature of the golden age in its essential developments and with particular attention to the texts indicated in the program.
Further information
Oral examination, to be held in Spanish for both parts of the program.
Monographic Part: The student must demonstrate the knowledge of the subjects and materials examined during the lessons or listed in the bibliography, and must be able to translate and comment on the literary texts included in the program.
Institutional part: The student of "Spanish Literature 2" will have to be able to expose the history of Spanish literature from its origins to the times of the Catholic Kings in its essential developments and with particular attention to the texts indicated in the program; The student of "Spanish Literature 3" will have to be able to expose the history of Spanish literature of the golden age in its essential developments and with particular attention to the texts indicated in the program.
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