Enrollment year
Academic year
Academic discipline
Year of study
1st semester (25/09/2017 - 10/01/2018)
Lesson hours
36 lesson hours
Activity type
Learning outcomes
This course will analyze the reflection in literary texts written between 1750 and 1850 of one of the crucial issues in Russian social, economic, and cultural history, namely the aristocracy’s perception of itself and of its own relationship to the peasant masses in its service. The course will also provide an overview of Russian literature from its origins to the 18th century.the peculiarities of Russian cultural reality and to the significant moments that have characterized its evolution.
At the end of the course, the student will be able to identify the main literary trends of Russian literature, to have a direct knowledge of the main literary works of the first half of the nineteenth century, to expose the notions acquired and to be able to make connections with the European literary phenomena and Russian history.
Course contents
From the origins of Russian Literature to the first Half of XIX century.
Religious literature, translation literature, literary genres.
The beginning of secular literature. The eighteenth century, Lomonosov, Sumarokov, Tredjakovsky and the question of language.
Radiscev and the "moral" journey from Petersburg to Moscow.
Fonvizin and his comedy "The Minor".
Archaicists and innovators. Karamzin and its importance for the birth of the new literature.
The poetry before Puskin: Krylov, Derzhavin and Zhukovskij.
Pushkin, prose and poems, Evgenij Onegin.
Lermontov, prose and poems.
Historical background from the origins to the first half of the nineteenth century.
Teaching methods
Lectures with slides. Reading and explanation of important passage and classroom discussions. Individual assignements.
Reccomended or required readings
Literary texts
For the medieval and early modern period :
Excerpts from the following texts :
Racconto dei tempi passati; Il cantare della schiera di Igor'; Afanasij Nikitin, Viaggio al di là dei tre mari; Avvakum, Autobiografia
For the 18th and 19th Centuries
D. Fonvizin, Il minorenne (ediz.: D. Fonvizin, Il brigadiere. Il minorenne, Marsilio, Venezia 1991, pp. 183-341 (senza testo a fronte)
N. Karamzin, La povera Liza (ediz.: N. Karamzin, Settecento perduto. I racconti sentimentali, Genova 2004, pp. 25-41)
A. Radiščev, Viaggio da Pietroburgo a Mosca (ediz.: G.M. Nicolai, Russia bifronte, Bulzoni, Roma 1990, pp. 201-202, 206-209, 242-250, 252-268, 350-359)
A. Griboedov, L'ingegno porta guai, (ediz. a cura di G. Gandolfo, Einaudi, Torino 1992, o altra edizione)
A. Puškin, Evgenij Onegin (qualsiasi edizione), La figlia del capitano (qualsiasi edizione), I racconti di Belkin (qualsiasi edizione)
M. Lermontov, Un eroe del nostro tempo (qualsiasi edizione), Il demone (edizione a cura di E. Bazzarelli, Rizzoli, Milano 2001)
S. Aksakov, Cronaca di famiglia, (ediz. a cura di S.Vitale, Adelphi, Milano 1984, pp. 11-23, 35-48, 51-93)
Critical sources
For the historical part of the course :
A. Ferrari, La Russia tra Oriente e Occidente. Per capire il continente-arcipelago, Edizioni Ares, Milano 1994, pp. 22-76.
L. Kochan, Storia della Russia moderna dal 1500 a oggi, Einaudi, Torino 1968, pp. 104-145, 151-172, 178-180, oppure R. Bartlett, Storia della Russia, Mondadori, Milano 2007, pp. 7-153.
For the literary part of the course :
D.P. Mirskij, Storia della letteratura russa, Garzanti, Milano 1977, pp. 5-129
Storia della civiltà letteraria russa, v. 1, UTET, Torino 1997, pp. 404-433, 484-504.
PER GLI STUDENTI NON FREQUENTANTI: pp. 3-26, 225-237, 241-246, 250-262, 265-270, 273-286, 292-298, 304-307, 312-333, 341-352, 367-374, 389-433, 478-481, 484-504.
Course notes and materials (including audio recordings) will be distributed in class.
Optional reference text G. Carpi, Storia della letteratura russa. Da Pietro il Grande alla Rivoluzione d'Ottobre, Carocci, Roma 2010 (only pages relevant to period treated in course) .
All of the texts and materials listed in the course bibliography are available in the Department office. Students who do not attend the lectures are requested to contact the teacher.
Assessment methods
Oral examination, aimed at verifying the assimilation of lectured material and assigned readings, and the ability of synthesis of the student. Of great importance will also be the knowledge of the historical situation in Russia from the origin to the first half of XIXth century.
Further information
Non-attending students are requested to contact the teacher
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