Enrollment year
Academic year
Year of study
1st semester (25/09/2017 - 10/01/2018)
Section A: General knowledge of the Graeco-Roman civilisation (optional)

Section B: General knowledge of the history of the Roman Republic (Roman History, section A).
Learning outcomes
- The course aims at stimulating a critical approach and independence of judgement.

- Acquisition of critical methodology in analysing ancient sources.
Course contents
Section A: After a general introduction about contents and methodology of historical research, the lessons will be devoted to ancient sources: Inscriptions and selected passages of Roman and Greek historians will be read (in Italian translation) and commented on, in order to outline and examine thoroughly the main political stages of political history of the Roman Republic.

Section B: Critical reconstruction of the history of the Roman empire, with particular reference to Claudius.
The lessons will be devoted to ancient sources: Inscriptions and selected passages of Roman and Greek historians will be read (in Italian translation) and commented on, in order to outline and examine thoroughly the main political stages of the history of Roman empire.
Teaching methods
Frontal lectures, sided by handouts and power point presentations.
Reccomended or required readings
1) One among the following handbooks:
A) E. Gabba-D. Foraboschi-D. Mantovani-E. Lo Cascio-L. Troiani, Introduzione alla storia di Roma, Edizioni Universitarie di Lettere Economia Diritto, Milano 2000 (except for chapters 14, 17, 18, 19 and the first part of chapter 9 until p. 223);
B) M. Pani, E. Todisco, Storia Romana. Dalle origini alla tarda antichità, ed Carocci, 2014. The handbook should be supplemented by three chapters of the handbook A: a) Problemi di metodo per la storia di Roma arcaica (E. Gabba): pp. 13-26; b) L'età arcaica (E. Gabba): only pp. 27-36; c) Il diritto e la costituzione in età repubblicana (D. Mantovani): only pp. 224-276 about the Roman constitution.

2) Choose between:
A) B. Lewick, Claudius, London (1990);
B) P. Buongiorno, Claudio- Il Principe inatteso; 21 Editore (2017).
Assessment methods
Oral Examination.
Further information
Programme for students not attending lectures:
- A handbook of Roman History (look at Testi di riferimento)
- A Monography about Claudius (look at Testi di riferimento)

Section A:
- M.Crawford, E. Gabba, F. Millar- E. Snoodgrass; Le basi documentarie per lo studio della storia antica. Il Mulino
- VI book of Polybius Histories (in italian translation, ed BUR or Mondadori or Classici Newton).
- On Polybius: L. Canfora, Polibio e la storia universale, in Id., Storia della Letteratura greca, ed. Laterza, pp. 513-529.

Section B:
- Books XI-XIII of Tacitus' Annales (in Italian or English translation).
- On Tacitus:
G. Reggi (a cura di), Tacito Storico e scrittore, Casagrande editore (2016).

For the students not attending lectures of Dr. Alessandro Maranesi:
- chapter 17 of handbook A or chapters 20-21 of handbook B.

The activity is split