Enrollment year
Academic discipline
1st semester (02/10/2023 - 20/12/2023)
Lesson hours
36 lesson hours
Activity type
The course prerequisites include a basic knowledge of general linguistics and psycholinguistics. Prospective students should be familiar with the fundamental concepts in these fields to effectively benefit from the course and learning materials.
Learning outcomes
This course aims at developing knowledge and understanding in several key areas of Language Acquisition in normal and pathological/atypical conditions, as well as typical degeneration patterns:
a) Advanced comprehension of theoretical and computational models and the interpretation of experimental data with reference to Language Acquisition and Degeneration.
b) Profound understanding of the methods and experimental techniques employed within the field of Language Acquisition and Pathological/Atypical productions analysis
c) Ethical and deontological awareness necessary for conducting experimental procedures in Language Acquisition with atypical and pathological populations responsibly.
Furthermore, the course aims to cultivate the ability to apply this knowledge and understanding effectively by:
a) enhancing proficiency in executing and assessing applications within experimental contexts in Language Acquisition and linguistic pathology assessment.
b) advancing students’ competences in executing and evaluating applications within clinical environments in the area of Linguistic degeneration.
c) promoting of critical thinking, analytical prowess, and the synthesis of ideas in the area of Language Acquisition and Degeneration.
d) using ethical principles in practical applications and research endeavors in Language Acquisition and Degeneration.
Course contents
• Introduction to linguistic processing: formal and computational perspectives
• Typical development of the language faculty
• Congenital disorders related to the language faculty
• Language disorders associated with the difficulty of accessing linguistic information
• Linguistic disorders resulting from strokes or cognitive dysfunctions
• Analysis and evaluation of linguistic performance
• Recent research trends in linguistic analysis
• Analysis and query of linguistic corpora
• Deafness and language acquisition
Teaching methods
The course will be made up of lectures, integrated with case studies discussion, one hands-on laboratory with computational tools, and final project discussion (workgroups)
Reccomended or required readings
• Belletti, A., & Guasti, M. T. (2015). The Acquisition of Italian: Morphosyntax and its interfaces in different modes of acquisition (Vol. 57). John Benjamins Publishing Company.
• Chesi, C., Ghersi, Musella, V., Musola, D. (2024) COvNVERSA test. Hogrefe.
• Guasti, M. T. (2017). Language acquisition: The growth of grammar. (II edition), MIT press.
• MacWhinney, B. (2000). The CHILDES project: Tools for analyzing talk: Volume I: Transcription format and programs, volume II: The database. Mahwah, NJ: Lawrence Erlbaum Associates
Assessment methods
The exam will be an oral assessment on a scale of 30 points. Optionally, the students can present a final group project (max 3 student per group). In this case the assessment of the group project presentation will contribute for 60% of the final score.
The oral exam (for both students presenting a final project or not) will cover all the topics discussed during the course. The evaluation will be based on the completeness of the answers provided, their ability to argue and critically apply the knowledge acquired during the course to real or realistic cases. The student's capacity to present answers clearly and coherently will also be taken into consideration. The aim of the evaluation is to assess a deep understanding of the topics and the students' ability to effectively apply theoretical knowledge to clinical and forensic practice. Students will be encouraged to demonstrate their critical analysis and problem-solving skills in complex neuropsychological contexts, as well as their ability to connect the various topics covered during the course.
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