Enrollment year
Academic discipline
1st semester (23/09/2024 - 10/01/2025)
Lesson hours
36 lesson hours
Activity type
Understanding the course contents requires students to already possess knowledge related to psychometrics and the characteristics of psychological tests, questionnaires, and inventories.
Learning outcomes
Learning Objectives
The course aims to provide knowledge, skills and guidance in the field of psychometric measurement, with particular reference to the theoretical foundations of measurement in psychology and the psychometric properties of psychological measurement instruments.
Expected Learning Outcomes
At the end of the course, students will be able to:
a) analyze the psychometric characteristics of psychological tests;
b) choose the most appropriate instrument for their measurement purposes;
c) administer some psychological self-report questionnaires;
d) compute scores (scoring);
e) interpret and report the results of the measurement
Course contents
- Brief history of measurement in psychology
- Definition of the construct and operationalization
- Content domain
- Subject-centered scaling
- Item response models
- Fundamental characteristics of items
- Items for typical performance tests
- Items for maximum performance tests
- Items for achievement tests
- Structuring the test
- Content validity
- Face validity
- Item difficulty for maximum performance tests
- Item discriminability for maximum performance tests
- Item discriminability for typical performance tests
- Reliability
- Factor analysis: theoretical aspects
- Factor analysis: statistical aspects
- Factor analysis: stages of analysis
- Confirmatory factor analysis
- Validity assessment
- Standard error of measurement
- Standardization of test scores
- Adapting a test into a different language from the original
The slides used for classroom teaching are available and downloadable from the KIRO online platform. Students will also find the materials for exercises on the KIRO platform.
The course contents will be addressed considering the ethical and deontological principles governing psychological assessment and data treatment. These will be described in detail by the instructor both in general terms and with examples and practical exercises (e.g., writing informed consent).
The program does NOT differentiate between attending and non-attending students. However, due to the breadth of contents and classroom works, attendance is highly recommended.
Teaching methods
The course is conducted in a blended mode through 18 hours of in-person lectures and 18 hours of online exercises (e-learning) guided and coordinated by the instructor, and supported by a tutor.
For each CFU (25 hours), the following are scheduled:
- 2 hours of delivered teaching - DE (content presentation through slides, scientific papers, and videos)
- 2 hours of interactive teaching - DI (guided online exercises in audio-video streaming)
- 19 hours of self-study on the bibliography texts, provided slides, and indicated scientific articles.
To facilitate inclusive teaching, the instructor offers up to two hours per week for office hours, by appointment.
Mandatory for everybody
C. Chiorri, Teoria e tecnica psicometrica - Costruire un test psicologico, McGraw-Hill Education (Italy), 2023.
Reccomended or required readings
Mandatory for everybody
C. Chiorri, Teoria e tecnica psicometrica - Costruire un test psicologico, McGraw-Hill Education (Italy), 2023.
Assessment methods
The exam can be taken by the student in two alternative ways:
- Written exam, consisting of 22 multiple-choice questions (1 point for each correct answer) and 3 open-ended questions, one of which is on the book of choice, evaluated based on comprehensiveness, relevance, and clarity of exposition for up to 9 points (cut-off for passing = 18 points), with the possibility of requesting an additional oral exam (upon request within 2 days of the publication of the written exam results by emailing the instructor);
- Oral exam (upon request 3 days before the exam by emailing the instructor), consisting of 3 questions, the first of which is on a topic of the student's choice.
For the academic year 2024/2025, the exam, whether oral or written, covers the content of the slides uploaded on the KIRO portal, the mandatory text, and the chosen text.
It is not advisable to refuse the obtained grade more than once. The student is required to accept the grade achieved in the last exam session taken.
Further information
Name of the tutor currently being updated and available on the KIRO portal
Sustainable development goals - Agenda 2030
The course contributes to goals n, 3, 4 and 5 on quality in education, that is in ensuring that all learners acquire the knowledge and skills needed to promote sustainable development, including, among others, through education for sustainable development and sustainable lifestyles, human rights, gender equality, promotion of a culture of peace and non-violence, global citizenship and appreciation of cultural diversity and of culture’s contribution to sustainable development.