Enrollment year
Academic year
Academic discipline
Year of study
1st semester (25/09/2023 - 15/01/2024)
Lesson hours
48 lesson hours
Activity type
In order to understand the topics covered in the course, the students must have good knowledge of Genetics, Molecular Biology and Microbiology, as usually acquired during a Bachelor's Degree in Biology or Biotechnology. In particular, the following notions must have been previously acquired: DNA structure, replication and recombination; structure and functions of the bacterial cell and organization of genetic material in prokaryotes; mutations as a tool for genetic analysis; transcription (prokaryotic RNA-polymerase, promoters and terminators) and translation; general aspects of regulation of gene expression in prokaryotes; basic techniques of molecular biology (PCR, DNA cloning, electrophoresis).
Learning outcomes
The course in Microbial Genetics and Biotechnologies aims to provide students with a thorough understanding of the fundamental principles of microbial genetics and the resulting biotechnological applications. By the end of the course, students will be expected to know the organization of the microbial genome (chromosomes, plasmids), mechanisms of horizontal gene transfer among bacteria, major gene expression control systems, and the genetic and molecular tools necessary for constructing microbial hosts capable of producing enzymes and molecules of industrial interest. These foundational knowledges will be essential for understanding industrial processes involved in the production of proteins and compounds in prokaryotic and eukaryotic hosts. The acquired notions will enable students to comprehend, critically analyze, and present patents and scientific articles related to the topics covered during the course.
Course contents
Origins and evolution of life. The Microbiota. Origins of bacterial genetics: origin and inheritance of mutations. Bacterial chromosomes: structure, replication, segregation. Plasmids and their properties. Cloning vectors for bacterial and eukaryotic cells. Regulation of gene expression in bacteria and its global analysis: operons and regulons. Horizontal gene transfer in bacteria: transformation, conjugation, transduction (generalized and specialized). Bacteriophages: lytic cycle and lysogeny. The Lambda paradigm. Lysogenic conversion and active lysogeny. Bacterial defense systems against phage infection and viral responses. The CRISPR Cas system and new genome editing techniques. Production of recombinant proteins in prokaryotic cells: bacteria of the genus Bacillus. Differentiation in Bacillus subtilis: phosphorelay systems, sporulation, competence, and motility. The stringent response. Genetic tools for strain construction. Optimization of production in Bacillus: improvement of protein secretion and industrial enzyme secretion, random or designed mutagenesis based on genomic, proteomic, or single-cell studies. Production of recombinant proteins in eukaryotic cells. Production of proteins by fermentation. Metabolic pathway engineering. Patents and patentability.
Teaching methods
The course will be carried out by lectures. Activities in small groups will be proposed to promote understanding and in-depth exploration of the topics covered.
In addition to reference texts, also articles, reviews and patents will be used to deepen and update the covered topics. The material used during the lessons will be made available on the Kiro platform.
The course will include seminars held by a high-profile teacher on the subject of the patentability of biotechnological innovations in the European system.
Reccomended or required readings
Henkin T. M., Peters E. Snyder and Champness Molecular Genetics of Bacteria, 5th Edition. 2020. ASM Press, Washington. ISBN: 978-1-555-81975-0
Brown T. A. Biotecnologie molecolari, Principi e tecniche, 3rd Italian edition (8th English edition). 2022. Zanichelli, Bologna. ISBN: 9788808320964
Dehò G., Galli E. Biologia dei microrganismi Terza edizione. 2018. Casa Editrice Ambrosiana, Milano. ISBN: 9788808186232

All books are freely accessible, including online, via the University Library System.

The PDF documents of the material presented by the teachers, the articles and the recommended readings will be made available on the Kiro platform
Assessment methods
The final test will consist in a 20-minute oral presentation of an "original research article" (no review, no case study) selected by the student. The subject of the article must be related to a topic presented in the course. The exam will include questions related to the presented article and an interview aimed at ascertaining the knowledge acquired in relation to the contents of the course. The selected article must be approved by the lecturers at least 15 days before the exam.
The final evaluation will be based on the ability to critically analyze and present a scientific article. The acquisition of the fundamental concepts of bacterial genetics necessary for the development of biotechnological applications will also be evaluated.
Further information
For the categories of students identified by the Academic Senate in the session of March 23rd 2023, inclusive teaching methods will be implemented and provided ad hoc.
Sustainable development goals - Agenda 2030
Some of the topics covered in the course are in line with the UN 2030 Agenda for sustainable development. Goal 9.5: Enhance scientific research, upgrade the technological capabilities of industrial sectors in all countries, in particular developing countries, including, by 2030, encouraging innovation and substantially increasing the number of research and development workers per 1 million people and public and private research and development spending