Enrollment year
Academic discipline
1st semester (26/09/2022 - 13/01/2023)
Lesson hours
48 lesson hours
Knowledge of Plant Physiology, Molecular Biology and Genetics
Learning outcomes
The course is organized in such a way that the students will be able to
develop the following competences:
1. Develop knowledge on the genetic engineering and sustainability
methods and capacity to understand the value of these techniques and
their use to address the challenges of the 21st century
2. Understanding how to apply this knowledge to improve useful traits for
agriculture and industry sectors; learn how to use virtual materials to
develop a model for molecular cloning and genetic transformation of
3. Develop autonomous evaluation skills: the debates proposed for
evaluation purposes will aid students to develop the ability to critically
analyze the scientific literature, evaluate published results and critically
interpret and communicate the outcome of scientific researches
4. Develop communicative skills: the use of interactive instruments
supported by the thematics of the course will be useful to develop
communication skills
5. Develop the ability to understand and interpret the presented
information in the context of the course thematic
Course contents
Agricultural biotechnology. Genetic engineering techniques. Production and classification of genetically modified (GM) plants. Traits of agricultural interest. Tracing GM plants and regulatory science. Applications of plant biotechnology to support sustainable agriculture. Use of plants to combat pollution (phytoremediation).
Industrial biotechnology. Production of pharmaceutic compounds in plants. Green vaccines. Plant bioreactors. Green biofuels and bioplastics. Biotechnological applications for the Seed Industry.
In agreement with the objectives of Agenda 2030 for Sustainable Development, the following objectives will be covered: Objective 2 (Zero hunger), Objective 13 (Climate Action).
Teaching methods
The course will involve the use frontal lessons supported by interactive methods like case-studies, debates, simulations – role playing, cooperative learning, brainstorming, project work.
Reccomended or required readings
Specialized articles on international scientific journals are suggested
instead of text books
Assessment methods
The examination is proposed via oral presentations in form of a debate as a collaborative work with groups formed by 2 students which can choose the topic of their presentation based on the thematics of the course. Each team member has 10 min for the presentation, while 10 min are dedicated to the debate between the 2 members of the group and 10 min are dedicated to additional questions from the audience. This methodology was chosen in order to promote the teamwork between students and develop their ability to communicate, form opinions, and pertinently discuss their opinions. The evaluation criteria will take in consideration the creativity, scientific accuracy, clarity and structure of the presentation, the teamwork and the quality of the debate.
Sustainable development goals - Agenda 2030
The proposed themes are in accordance with the objectives of the 2030 Agenda for Sustainable Development, mainly Objectives 2 (Zero Hunger) and Objectives 13 (Climate Action).