Enrollment year
Academic discipline
1st semester (26/09/2022 - 13/01/2023)
Lesson hours
48 lesson hours
Basic knowledge of General Microbiology, Genetics, and Molecular Biology.
Learning outcomes
To offer knowledge and skills in areas of structure functioning and application of microorganisms in fermentation processes; to equip students understand the relevance of applied microbiology to healthcare, food, agriculture, and environmental protection.
Course contents
Microorganisms as cell factories. Screening for productive strains and strain improvement. Production of amino acids and antibiotics: from laboratory bench to industrial production. Vaccines: traditional and recombinant vaccines; reverse vaccinology; structural vaccinology; system vaccinology; production of vaccines. Molecular diagnostics. Environmental biotechnology: bioremediation and wastewater treatment. Cultural heritage: processes of biodeterioration and methodologies of bioconservation. Microbial biosensors. Microorganisms and production of biofuels. Application of bacteriophages.
Some of the topics covered in the course are in line with the UN 2030 Agenda for sustainable development - Objective 3. Ensuring health and well-being for all and for all ages.
Teaching methods
The course is based on lectures, with the help of video projections.
Power Point presentations are used for the lessons, made available to students in the section dedicated to teaching on the KIRO platform. There are no practical exercises or laboratory activities.
Reccomended or required readings
- Glick BR, Pasternak JJ, Patten CL. Molecular Biotechnology: Principles and Applications of
Recombinant DNA, 4th Edition. ASM Press, Washington. 2010.
- Donadio S, Marino G. Biotecnologie Microbiche. Casa Editrice Ambrosiana, Milano. 2008.
Assessment methods
The exam consists of an individual oral test, aimed at ascertaining the skills acquired in relation to the contents of the course. The test focuses on at least three distinct topics covered during the course. The final evaluation is based on the degree of depth and understanding of the topics presented and on the ability to integrate the knowledge acquired.
Further information
The exam consists of an individual oral test, aimed at ascertaining the skills acquired in relation to the contents of the course. The test focuses on at least three distinct topics covered during the course. The final evaluation is based on the degree of depth and understanding of the topics presented and on the ability to integrate the knowledge acquired.
Sustainable development goals - Agenda 2030
Some of the topics covered in this course are in line with the UN 2030 Agenda for Sustainable Development - Objective 3. Ensuring health and well-being for all and for all ages.