Enrollment year
Academic year
Academic discipline
Year of study
(15/11/2021 - 04/02/2022)
Lesson hours
24 lesson hours
Activity type
The Nursing course of GENERAL NURSING, NURSING THEORIES AND EDU-RELATIONAL ELEMENTS, developed during the base degree, is preparatory to the LOGIC AND PHILOSOPHY OF SCIENCE: EXPANSION OF THEORETICAL DISCIPLINARY FOUNDATIONS course. Indeed, LOGIC AND PHILOSOPHY OF SCIENCE: EXPANSION OF THEORETICAL DISCIPLINARY FOUNDATIONS course consists of an in-depth study of the advanced level that takes place in the master's degree.
The beginner part of the program of the LOGIC AND PHILOSOPHY OF SCIENCE: EXPANSION OF THEORETICAL DISCIPLINARY FOUNDATIONS course aims to structure a conceptual and language base to standardize basic knowledge.
Attendance at the lessons will offer the student to learn the basic knowledge to allow the learning of the educational objectives of the "LOGIC AND PHILOSOPHY OF SCIENCE: EXPANSION OF THEORETICAL DISCIPLINARY FOUNDATIONS" course
Learning outcomes
The training course aims to promote knowledge of the phenomenological approach to nursing work in order to highlight the complexity of nursing care and to accept complex phenomena such as those linked with the self-experience of health-disease, which can’t be fulfilled only by the biomedical paradigm, which remains central in nursing. The course, starting from the analysis of the nature and foundation of care and from the reflection around nursing theorization, will allow the identification of the scientific and cultural base of the nursing process. The practice of nursing, in its essence, matches with the need of participating in what can promote and develop everything that makes people live both in a situation of health and disease. Such perspective opens up to the complexity of the relationship without sacrificing objectivity, on the other way round, it introduces the concept of “self", the subject who acts in the world of life and copes with the experience of health-disease. These aspects of human experience, towards which the positivist paradigm tests its limits, can be incorporated and understood through the phenomenological perspective. The exploring process of the key concept of phenomenology carried out starting from the phenomenological research performed in nursing field, will allow the student to conduct analyses and reformulate the care, research and training to “preserve the essence of nursing care”.
Course contents
Module 1 Which is the reality of nursing care and obstetrics? Exercise: starting from a question to the group, explore the representations relevant to the idea of nursing and obstetrics.The educational approach proposed will allow the building of a common perimeter, preliminary with respect to the building of elements of epistemological nature proper of a phenomenological approach. Module 2 Towards a new concept of nursing science able to embrace nursing in its whole complexity.Aim: understanding the foundation of the sciences on which nursing is based .
Opening topics:- Rediscover the nature and the foundation of the nursing care: from the knowledge, drawn up into the thick of situations of care, to the nursing theorization. A renewed vision of the caring process foundation, which starts from the world of life and compensates the effects of disease: essential elements of the theorization, by F. Nigthingale, V. Henderson, D. Orem, N. Roper MF Collière. – Crisis of efficiency of positivist scientific knowledge and openness to a new notion of scientific nature: the phenomenological proposal - From the philosophical foundation of positivist science and phenomenology to the method of knowledge in the two paradigms: analysis carried out by the contributions offered by nursing research.Module 3 Phenomenology as a source of understanding and explanation of human phenomena related to the health-disease process: implications for nursing and obstetrics care. Aims: exploring key concepts of phenomenology and understanding their application in care. General aspects phenomenological paradigm , attention to the subject, dialogical practice, epochè. Ways of thinking about the body: exercise, the body, lived personal experience of health-disease in a phenomenological key applied to the nursing research Module 4 The invisible world of the mind and the Other’s understanding level (part 1 Aim: understanding the way of thinking to the mind and to the intuition in the compassionate relation with the patient and in the nursing clinical decision-making process. Exercises State of the art of intuition in nursing care. The contribution of Virginia Henderson and M.F. Collière Intuition and clinical decision-making process: the phenomenological research carried out in the field of nursing by P. Benner. Module 5
The invisible world of the Mind and the level of the other’s understanding. (part 2). Aim: increasing the level of understanding and empathy and of those mental attitudes which feature it and which create the relation based on the understanding of the other’s needs. Empathy as a relationship practice and essential component in caring orientation The contribution of phenomenology research in the exploration of empathy in nursing care. Mental attitudes which characterize empathy: receptivity of the caregiver’s mind, listening and attention in the practice of nursing care. Self-care and development of one’s own emotional potential. Towards a phenomenological reading in the understanding of life needs and care situation: the contribution of V. Henderson e MF Collière

Module 6
Aim: to define the essence of nursing and midwifery care according to the phenomenological approach
Content: Phenomenological approach to nursing and midwifery care
Teaching methods
Face-to face presentations with interactive devices; activities which encourage reflection in order to analyze the care giving function analysis of narrative and descriptive texts respectively taken from health care field literature and from phenomenological research carried out in the nursing field.
Individual and group exercises; expositions and confrontation in plenary.
Reccomended or required readings
general bibliography
Arrigoni C et al,Italian version of Nursing Students’ Perception of Instructor Caring (I-NSPIC): assessment of reliability and validity,BMC Medical Education vol 17 ,2017
Arrigoni C,Miazza D,Gallotti MLuisa,Vellone E,Alvaro L,Pelissero G Risvegliarsi in terapia intensiva :la comunicazione ,benessere per il paziente e competenza per l’infermiera ,in Scenario;30(2) .( 2013 )
Arslan A. Ishtar 2. Cronache dal mio risveglio. Milano: Rizzoli, 2010
Benner P. L’eccellenza nella pratica clinica McGrawe_Hill 2001
Benner P et al., Formazione infermieristica Edra 2015
Canzan F et al., Visible and invisible caring in nursing from the perspectives of patients and nurses in the gerontological context Nordic College of Caring Science 2013
Bertolini P .,Per un lessico di pedagogia fenomenologica. Voce Vissuto Gris R,Mazzoni V.Erikson 2006
Colliere MF., Aiutare a vivere, Sorbona, 1992 Cap 1 ,11,12,14
Gallotti ML.,, Marie Francoise Colliere La ricerca delle cure legate alle esperienze di vita ,L’infermiere 6-7-2005
Grugnetti AM, Caruso R, Gallotti ML,Grugnetti G,Arrigoni C .( 2017)Effective use of real -life experiences of cancer patient as a training strategy in a nursing degree program .International journal of clinical skills
Henderson V.,The concept of nursing. Journal of advanced nursing vol 3 ,1978
Henderson V., “I principi fondamentali dell’assistenza infermieristica”, a cura della
Consociazione Nazionale Infermieri (CNAI)1969.
Henderson V., Che cos’è il nursing?
Una definizione e le sue implicazioni per la prassi, la ricerca e la formazione infermieristica .Trad it Vera Maillart 1978
Mortari L ., La pratica dell’aver cura Mondadori 2006.
Mortari L., Saiani L., Gesti e pensieri di cura. MilanoMc Graw Hill, 2013
Mortari L .,Filosofia della cura.Cortina 2015
Sini C.Piccolo inzio :vita materiale e realtà. Noema Università degli studi di Milano 2011
Sakcs O., In movimento Adelphi 2018 (On the Move. A Life,2016)
Sacks O., Su una gamba sola, Adelphi 1991 (A leg to stand on, 1984)
Sacks O.,L'occhio della mente, Adelphi 2011, (The Mind's Eye, 2010)
A targeted bibliography will be given for each training module during the lessons
Assessment methods
The final evaluation includes a written test as a test with multiple choice questions. The student may access the oral test only if he has achieved a positive score (≥ 18/30) in the written test.
Oral exam consists in the analysis of texts proposed by the teachers, using the theoretical educational-relational paradigm examined and applied in the classroom during the lessons.
The final mark will take into consideration the score achieved in the written and oral test
Further information
Attending lessons is fundamental and it allows a better understanding and a good contextualization of didactical strategies and training purposes of the course
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