Enrollment year
Academic year
Academic discipline
MED/45 ()
Year of study
Lesson hours
30 lesson hours
Activity type
Attendance of the professionalizing laboratory of the first year of the course (3CFU)
Learning outcomes
Pain and suffering are frequent and complex problems that nursing care is facing and they are posing a difficult challenge for all healthcare professionals. However, although there is knowledge and resources to improve the quality of life of people suffering from pain, resistance to opioid use and underestimating pain emerge as the main obstacles to its control. Likewise, suffering is a permanent object of the care relationship, but it is trivialized and neglected. Its understanding could instead be the starting point for global care and relational work, capable of giving meaning to this experience and activating the health resources of patients and families to the extreme of life.
Course contents
Program and content
Form 1
- Relationship between nursing science and research;
- Characteristics of research development in the USA and Italy;
- Autonomous nursing functions and research;
- Type of nursing research problems and levels of involvement.

Form 2
- Historical development of nursing research on pain from the end of the 70s until the identification of current research tracks;
- Care-induced pain: implications for nursing and organisation;
- The problem of chronic oncological pain undertreatment: analysis of the causes emerging from research.

Form 3
- The "reasons" of opioids phobia: an overview of qualitative research carried out in the nursing field. Implications for the cares and education of the patient and the family
- The suffering of cancer patients in chemotherapy treatment: analysis of a qualitative research conducted in the sociological field. Implications for nursing care and the education of the patient and the family.

Form 4
- Identification and definition of a nursery researching problem (problem statement);
- Identification of the purpose of the research (purpose statement);
- The Evidence-Based paradigm: EBM and EBN;
- The pyramid of evidence and references to different research methodologies;
- Typology of sources: primary and secondary source;
- From scientific evidence to guidelines: levels of evidence and class of recommendation;
- Biomedical databases;
- Pubmed database query strategies;
- Use of Pubmed in 10 STEPS.

Form 5
- Formulation and characteristics of focused and structured clinical-care questions;
- General characteristics of the quantitative research perspective and the main methods used in this area of research;
- The PICOS format;
- General characteristics of the qualitative research perspective;
- The PS (DiCenso) and PEO format
- Exercise: Students, in groups of 10, will proceed to:
o Choose an Item from those proposed by the Teachers (Qualitative or Quantitative Research Articles)
After reading the article,
1. Report the type of search article
2. Identify the Problem (for quantitative research) or the Situation or Phenomenon (for qualitative research)
3. Describe the implications for nursing

The papers produced (must contain the names of the students/members of the working group and the training venue) will be sent, (in electronic format) to the Teachers at the following e-mail addresses:

Sixth module
Within the "Applied Nursing Research" training course, teachers consider it useful to raise students' awareness of the use of scientific literature and to promote a culture of nursing care based on evidence of efficacy/scientific evidence (EBN – EBP), and on the results that come from qualitative research. Students from the research consultation are involved in a process of reading and reflection. This is followed by a presentation of the group work in plenary meeting, concerning the material produced by the students in the various groups during the exercise carried out during the course of Module 5, accompanied by observations and analyses guided by the teachers.
Teaching methods
The course is structured in six training modules, it favours a methodology aimed at mobilizing the experiences and knowledge of students, their ability to deliver care and promote a development based on the effectiveness and the understanding of patients’ experience and their families
Reccomended or required readings
Lecture notes: they are fundamental and allow a better understanding and contextualization of the research presented in nursing competence

Form 1
1) Da pag.55 a pag. 69
Che cos’è il nursing V.Henderson
(Implicazioni per la ricerca)
Traduzione Vera Maillart e MR.Marchi
2)Cheng K.K.F. (2009) Oral mucositis: a phenomenological study of pediatric patients’ and their parents’ perspectives and experiences. Support Care Cancer, 17: 829-837 studio qualitative obligatorio
3) Katranci N., Ovayolu N., Ovayolu O., Sevinc A. (2012) Evaluation or the effect of cryotherapy in preventing oral mucositis associated with chemotherapy – a randomized controlled trial. European Journal of Oncology Nursing, 16(4): 339-44. RCT obligatorio
4) Mosher C.E. S. Daily D. Tometich M.S. Matthias S.D. Outcalt , A. Hirsh S.A. Johns K. Rand B. Schneider , L. Mina ,A.M. Storniolo, E. Newton K. Miller (2016).Factors underlying metastatic breast cancer patients’perceptions of symptom importance: a qualitative analysis. European Journal of Cancer Care 1–6

Form 2-3
Bibliografia essenziale
1 )appunti alle lezioni
2) lettura facoltativa di parti del quaderno n°4 M.McCaffery ,
A.Beebe Clinical manual for nursing practice Pain in Children 1993.Traduzione a cura della Fondazione Livia Benini.Leggere: stimolazione cutanea ,Crema EMLA , Strategie Utili nella Pratica Pediatrica Operando con Bambini in Età Prescolastica
3)Abdel Razek A., Az El-Dein N., et Al. “Effect of breast-feeding on pain relief during infant immunization injections”, Int J Nurs Pract, 2009;15:99-104 testo obbligatorio st quasi sperimentale
4)Canbulat N., _Inal S., Sönmezer H. (2014) Efficacy of Distraction Methods on Procedural Pain and Anxiety by Applying Distraction Cards and Kaleidoscope in Children Asian Nursing Research 8 23-28 testo obligatorio studio prospettico rct
5)Coyle N., In their own words: Seven advanced cancer patients describe their experience with studio qualitativo
6)McMurtry CM., Chambers CT., McGrath PJ., Asp E. When ʺdonʹt worryʺ communicates fear : Childrenʹs perceptions of parental reassurance and distraction during a painful medical procedure Pain 2010 ; 150 (1) : 52‐8.
7)Marzano M., Romano V. “Io voglio essere come prima .”,Cronicità e normalità nei racconti dei malati di cancro ,in Rassegna Italiana di Sociologia a.XLVIII,gennaio-marzo 2007(in particolare i paragrafi 1 e 2) testo obbligatorio
8)Reid CM., Gooberman-H R., Hanks GW .Opioid analgesics for cancer pain: symptom control for the living or comfort for the dying? A qualitative study to investigate the factors influencing the decision to accept morphine for pain caused by cancer.Ann Oncol. 2008 Jan;19(1):44-8. Testo obbligatorio studio qualitativo
9)Sahiner NC., (2015).The effects of three different distraction methods on pain and anxiety in children. Journal of Child Health Care 1–9 testo obligatorio studio prospettico RCT
10)Schumacher K.L., West C., Dodd M., Paul S.M., Tripathy D., Koo P., Miaskowski CA. Pain management autobiographies and reluctance to use opioids for cancer pain management. Cancer Nursing testo obbligatorio. studio qualitativo
11) Spitz A., Primary care providers' perspective on prescribing opioids to older adults with chronic non- cancer pain: a qualitative study BMC Geriatr. 2011 doi: 10.1186/1471-2318-11-35
12)Zi-Xuan Wang., Li-Hui Sun., Ai-Ping Chen. (2008). The efficacy of non-pharmacological methods of pain management in school age children receiving venepuncture in a paediatric department: a randomized controlled trial of audiovisual distraction and routine psychological intervention. Swiss Med Wkly.138(39–40):579–584

Form 4-5
- La strutturazione del quesito clinico per reperire le prove di efficacia. Una revisione della letteratura di Giuseppe Lazzari , Lorena Salvini , Sara Patella , Davide Ausili , Stefania Di Mauro . LInfermiere, 6, 2015.

Articoli proposti agli Studenti A.A. 2018/19 per elaborati di gruppo.
1)Abdel Razek A., Az El-Dein N., et Al. “Effect of breast-feeding on pain relief during infant immunization injections”, Int J Nurs Pract, 2009;15:99-104 st quasi sperimentale

2)Canbulat N., _Inal S., Sönmezer H. (2014) Efficacy of Distraction Methods on Procedural Pain and Anxiety by Applying Distraction Cards and Kaleidoscope in Children Asian Nursing Research 8 23-28 studio prospettico rct

3)Cheng K.K.F. (2009) Oral mucositis: a phenomenological study of pediatric patients’ and their parents’ perspectives and experiences. Support Care Cancer, 17: 829-837 studio qualitative

4) Katranci N., Ovayolu N., Ovayolu O., Sevinc A. (2012) Evaluation or the effect of cryotherapy in preventing oral mucositis associated with chemotherapy – a randomized controlled trial. European Journal of Oncology Nursing, 16(4): 339-44. RCT

5)Coyle N., In their own words: Seven advanced cancer patients describe their experience with pain and the use of opioid drugs. Journal of Pain & Symptom Management, 2004 testo obbligatorio studio qualitative)
6)Reid CM., Gooberman-H R., Hanks GW .Opioid analgesics for cancer pain: symptom control for the living or comfort for the dying? A qualitative study to investigate the factors influencing the decision to accept morphine for pain caused by cancer.Ann Oncol. 2008 Jan;19(1):44-8. Testo obbligatorio studio qualitativo
7)Sahiner NC., (2015).The effects of three different distraction methods on pain and anxiety in children. Journal of Child Health Care 1–9 studio prospettico RCT
8)Schumacher K.L., West C., Dodd M., Paul S.M., Tripathy D., Koo P., Miaskowski CA. Pain management autobiographies and reluctance to use opioids for cancer pain management. Cancer Nursing testo obbligatorio. studio qualitativo

9)Ull AM.,_ Belver MH., Fernandez E, Lorente F, Badıa M, Fernandez B. (2014).The Effect of a Program to Promote Play to Reduce Children’s Post-Surgical Pain: With Plush Toys, It Hurts Less. Pain Management Nursing, 15 (1): 273-282 RCT

!0)Zi-Xuan Wang., Li-Hui Sun., Ai-Ping Chen. (2008). The efficacy of non-pharmacological methods of pain management in school age children receiving venepuncture in a paediatric department: a randomized controlled trial of audiovisual distraction and routine psychological intervention. Swiss Med Wkly.138(39–40):579–584 RCT
Assessment methods
The training evaluation is continuous and final and includes the presentation of a group paper (in the manner described below) to which 1 point is assigned, and a written test in the form of tests with multiple choice questions and the analysis of abstracts of a qualitative and quantitative scientific article
Further information
The scientific articles illustrated in the classroom and recommended for study are available on the Kiro website.
The attendance of the lessons is fundamental and allow a better understanding and contextualization of the didactic strategies and the training purposes of the cours
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