Enrollment year
Academic year
Year of study
2nd semester (07/03/2022 - 17/06/2022)
There are no requirements indicated in the study plan. However, it is recommended to take the exam after taking the exams of construction engineering.
Learning outcomes
The course of Architectural Restoration is aimed at all students of the " L.M. 4 C.U. Ingegneria Edile-Architettura" in order to complete their academic career with a particular "focus" on the themes of conservation of the built heritage. All the skills acquired during the previous years of study will be fundamental in order to implement proactive actions for an active safeguard and enhancement of the cultural heritage. The course aims, therefore, to bring students closer to the themes of conservation of the built with a particular focus on the different methodologies and practices that apply in different countries of the world. Particular attention will be paid to the study of conservation methods and criteria in dialogue with the needs of local cultures. The course will devote a lot of attention to the principles of the 2030 UN Agenda and international norms and declarations.
Course contents
The course program is structured in three sections:

1) History and comparative philosophy of architectural restoration whose focus is mainly dedicated to knowing the different methodological perspectives that since ancient times have been applied in many countries of the world.

2) Techniques and Methods of analysis and intervention. This section will be dedicated to the presentation of restoration projects carried out in different countries in order to encourage actions of dialogue with other cultures and very important to be able to appreciate the meaning of the actions aimed at cultural heritage.

3) Culture and Design. Particular attention will be paid to national and international regulations as well as to the United Nations 2030 Agenda. The theme of the project will be analyzed and developed in dialogue with the different cultural paradigms.
Teaching methods
The theoretical and in-depth lessons are followed by laboratory hours that are divided into classroom exercises for the development of the assigned project, in sessions of dialogue and comparison between students and teachers, in seminars with invited teachers from different disciplinary areas and other national and international university institutes. Fundamental will be the collaboration with all the teachers of the course "L.M. 4 C.U. Ingegneria Edile-Architettura".
Reccomended or required readings
Giovanni Carbonara, Avvicinamento al restauro. Teoria, storia, monumenti, Napoli 1997

Olimpia Niglio, La conservazione dei beni culturali. Antologia di scritti, Pisa 2006.

Olimpia Niglio, Le carte del restauro. Documenti e norme per la conservazione dei beni architettonici ed ambientali, Roma 2012.

Stefano Francesco Musso, Recupero e restauro degli edifici storici: guida pratica al rilievo e alla diagnostica, Roma, 2016.

Eric Y.J. Lee, Olimpia Niglio, Cultural Diplomacy & Heritage, Roma 2019.

Olimpia Niglio, Cultural Heritage. New perspectives, Roma 2021.
Assessment methods
Oral exam and active participation in the Exhibition of projects scheduled on the last day of the course. The exhibition is part of the final evaluation.
Further information
Interviews and revisions of projects outside of class hours, are agreed via email with the teacher

The activity is split