Enrollment year
Academic year
Academic discipline
Year of study
(01/03/2017 - 19/06/2017)
Lesson hours
112 lesson hours
Activity type
Entrants must have at least the minimum grade in the organic chemistry course.
Learning outcomes
The aim of the Practical training in Pharmaceutical Analysis is to introduce the students to practice (or experimental)
qualitative and quantitative drug analysis, and to train the students to the national examination to the pharmacist job.
The Practical lesson will be carried out individually by students in laboratories equipped with single-workplace where
they will be allowed to operate autonomously and to choose and execute the proper analytical method to identity and
quantify the drug substances. Both classical and instrumental analytical procedures will be practiced.

Quantitative Drug Analysis
This course aims to give the theoretical bases required in the quantitative analysis of compounds of pharmaceutical
interest, and the know-how to properly address the choice of the most appropriate analytical method for the quantitative
determination of drugs substances and drug products. The student training will be focused on learning the analytical
procedures in quantitative drug analysis that are reported in Official Pharmacopoeia Monographies, using also the
computing capacity acquired with solving specific problems. The program involves also the explanation of instrumental
methods able to obtain analytical data with a particular interest on chemical-pharmaceutical, cosmetic and food industry
(Quality Control).
Course contents
The course includes Practical training in single-workplace laboratories for the qualitative part, while group experiences
will be carried out in the case of instrumental quantitative analysis. On the basis of the theory acquired during the course
of Drugs Identification (semester V), the student will be able to characterize organic, organometallic and inorganic
substances registered in the Italian Official Pharmacopoeia and in the European Pharmacopoeia. Also quantitation of the
same substances will be carried out either by volumetric and instrumental methods.

Quantitative Drug Analysis
Principles of pharmaceutical quantitative analysis. The Italian and the European Pharmacopeias and Supplements in
analytical control of substances of pharmaceutical interest. Safety regulations (rules) in laboratory (D.L. n. 626; 19/9/94).
Gravimetric and volumetric analysis. Titrations in non-aqueous media. Precipitating titrations. Complexometric titrations.
Redox titrations. Gravimetric and volumetric analysis (Italian and European Pharmacopeias). Instrumental Analysis:
potentiometry and quantitative analysis of absorbance spectra (UV-Visible-Fluorimetry). Chromatographic methods.
During the lessons some exercises and problems will be illustrated and solved.
Teaching methods
Each practical
experience will be introduced by a theoretical lesson where the experience will be illustrated.

Quantitative Drug Analysis
Practice excercises are not included.
Reccomended or required readings
Livi-Balsamo: Guida pratica al riconoscimento delle sostanze iscritte alla V Ed. della Farmacopea Europea.
“Pharmaceutical Chemistry” - Vol. 2 (Drug Analysis), H.J. Roth, K. Eger, R. Troschutz Ellis Horwood Series in
Pharmaceutical Technology.
G.C. Porretta “Analisi quantitativa di composti farmaceutici” CISU- Roma (2000).

Quantitative Drug Analysis
David S. Hage – Jiames D: Carr “Chimica Analitica e Analisi Quantitativa” PICCIN.
G.C. Porretta “Analisi quantitativa di composti farmaceutici” CISU- Roma (2000).
Assessment methods
In itinere tests
In itinere tests are non t included.

Conditions to achieve the course
Each student will be required to attend the laboratories for a total of 64 hours and the attendance is mandatory.
The exit of each examination (identification for qualitative part and quantitative determination for quantitative part) will be
element of evaluation to achieve the practical course. The student must obtain a mean evaluation of 18/30 in each of the
two parts (qualitative and quantitative analysis). The achievement of this course is necessary to be admitted at teaching
exam of Pharmaceutical Analysis 2 and it doesn’t give title to acquire the 4 CFU: the CFU (10) acquisition of teaching will
occur only after the achievement of the whole teaching.

Quantitative Drug Analysis
Two in itinere tests (written tests) will be used for evaluating student learning progress: the first exam will be at midterms
and the second one at the end of the course.

Conditions to achieve the course
The CFU (6) acquisition is associated with the achievement either of exams in itinere or of final examination (written or
oral examination) in the official dates.
Further information
In itinere tests
In itinere tests are non t included.

Conditions to achieve the course
Each student will be required to attend the laboratories for a total of 64 hours and the attendance is mandatory.
The exit of each examination (identification for qualitative part and quantitative determination for quantitative part) will be
element of evaluation to achieve the practical course. The student must obtain a mean evaluation of 18/30 in each of the
two parts (qualitative and quantitative analysis). The achievement of this course is necessary to be admitted at teaching
exam of Pharmaceutical Analysis 2 and it doesn’t give title to acquire the 4 CFU: the CFU (10) acquisition of teaching will
occur only after the achievement of the whole teaching.

Quantitative Drug Analysis
Two in itinere tests (written tests) will be used for evaluating student learning progress: the first exam will be at midterms
and the second one at the end of the course.

Conditions to achieve the course
The CFU (6) acquisition is associated with the achievement either of exams in itinere or of final examination (written or
oral examination) in the official dates.
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