Anno immatricolazione
Corso di studio
Periodo didattico
Primo Semestre (04/10/2021 - 14/01/2022)
24 ore di attività frontale
Lingua insegnamento
Degree in Medicine and Surgery
Harvey Course
5th year; 1st semester
Obiettivi formativi
The aim of the course is to provide the students the essential knowledge of the anatomy and physiology of the visual system and to guide them through the clinical approach to the diseases of the eye, ocular adnexa and visual pathways. The purpose is to give the students the skill to approach a patient complaining of a visual problem picking up a complete medical history, checking for the presence of risk factors, interpreting the symtoms reported and searching the signs of the diseases through an accurate ophthalmic examination.
At the end, the student, playing the role of a general practitioner, should be able to make a diagnosis and prescribe a proper treatment or a proper referral to an opthalmologist when he/she suspects a serious disease.
Programma e contenuti
Anatomy and Physiology of the Visual System
Complete Ophthalmic Examination
Acute Visual loss
Chronic Visual loss
The Red eye
The drugs and the eye
Metodi didattici
Eigth lectures of three hours each
Testi di riferimento
Synopsis of Clinical Ophthalmology (3rd Ed) Jack J. Kanski, Brad Bowling
Basic Ophthalmology (9th Ed) American Academy of Ophthalmology
Modalità verifica apprendimento
The sense system disease course ends with an oral examination and has been divided into 3 different units:
Unit A: Otorhinolaryngology and Audiology;
Unit B: Ophthalmology;
Unit C: Odontostomatology and maxillofacial surgery.
The student must undertake an oral exam for each of the three units’ subject.
The final grade is obtained through the arithmetic mean of the three oral tests, rounding up or down. Each unit’s exam may be taken simultaneously or at different times; anyway, all the tests must be accomplished within two close sessions. Generally, the examination timetable foresees 3 sessions: I session (made up of 3 terms: January, February and April), II session (made up of 2 terms: June and July), III session (made up of 2 terms: September and December).
For the unit A, tests will take place in the teaching room of the Otorhinolaryngology Department; unit B tests will take place in the teaching room of the Ophthalmology Department, unit C tests will take place online and consists in a written text of free choice, and in a personal synthetic comment on one referred scientific paper - the subject of these two assignments needs to be the same, chosen from the program of OroMaxilloFacial Surgery and Basic Odontology which will be delivered to all students at the first lesson of unit C. Depending on the number of enrolled students, each examination term expects the assessment of about 60 students. The examination timetable is established according to some specific temporal criteria, planning terms close to each other but also avoiding any possible overlapping, in order to facilitate the achievement of all the three units in one single term.
In case of failure, the student may possibly repeat the test in the next term of the same session, at complete discretion of the professor.
Altre informazioni
The sense system disease course ends with an oral examination and has been divided into 3 different units:
Unit A: Otorhinolaryngology and Audiology;
Unit B: Ophthalmology;
Unit C: Odontostomatology and maxillofacial surgery.
The student must undertake an oral exam for each of the three units’ subject.
The final grade is obtained through the arithmetic mean of the three oral tests, rounding up or down. Each unit’s exam may be taken simultaneously or at different times; anyway, all the tests must be accomplished within two close sessions. Generally, the examination timetable foresees 3 sessions: I session (made up of 3 terms: January, February and April), II session (made up of 2 terms: June and July), III session (made up of 2 terms: September and December).
For the unit A, tests will take place in the teaching room of the Otorhinolaryngology Department; unit B tests will take place in the teaching room of the Ophthalmology Department, unit C tests will take place online and consists in a written text of free choice, and in a personal synthetic comment on one referred scientific paper - the subject of these two assignments needs to be the same, chosen from the program of OroMaxilloFacial Surgery and Basic Odontology which will be delivered to all students at the first lesson of unit C. Depending on the number of enrolled students, each examination term expects the assessment of about 60 students. The examination timetable is established according to some specific temporal criteria, planning terms close to each other but also avoiding any possible overlapping, in order to facilitate the achievement of all the three units in one single term.
In case of failure, the student may possibly repeat the test in the next term of the same session, at complete discretion of the professor.
Obiettivi Agenda 2030 per lo sviluppo sostenibile