Enrollment year
Academic discipline
(04/10/2021 - 21/01/2022)
Lesson hours
24 lesson hours
Activity type
Topics already learned at the high school such as: the concept of equation and the basic rules for its solution, the representation of digits in the scientific notation as power of ten with positive and negative exponent; logarithms and their properties; the definition of function; the cartesian representation of a graph of a straight line, a parabola, a hyperbola and an exponential function; the trigonometric functions; the measure of the angle in radiants; the surface areas and volumes of some geometrical figures (triangle, rectangle, circle, cube, sphere)
Learning outcomes
The aims of the course are:
a) to instill in the student the fundamental topics of Physics for the comprehension of biological and biomedical phenomena
b) to impart the meaning of scientific method
c) to teach the student how to apply the principles and law of Physics to specific problems, in particular the biological and biomedical ones
At the end of the course the students must be able to:
a) find the fundamental physical quantities which are involved in the description of a physical phenomenon
b) schematize the physical phenomenon with a model which could represent the fundamental characteristics of the system under study
c) formulate physical laws of the system under study, if they derive from general principles or they are of empirical origins, and represent them in an analytical or graphical form
d) analyze from a quantitative point of view the inter-dependence among two or more physical quantities
e) integrate all the knowledge acquired for the resolution of a specific problem
Course contents
Preliminary concepts: physical quantities and their dimensions. System of units, scalar and vectors.
Kinematics: trajectory and equation of motion, velocity and acceleration. Main motions and their equations.
Dinamics: forces, Newton Laws of the dynamics, momentum conservation, mass, weight force, density. Work, energy and power; kinetic energy and kinetic energy theorem; conservative forces and potential energy, principle of conservation of mechanical energy. Friction forces.
Fluids statics: concept of pressure, Pascal’s law, hydrostatic pressure, Stevin law and its consequences, principle of operation of sphygmomanometer, Archimedes' principle, atmospheric pressure, transfusion and blood sample procedure.
Fluids dynamics: properties of ideal fluids, flow rate, stationary motion, continuity equation also related to circulatory system, Bernoulli theorem. Real fluids: viscosity, measurement of blood pressure.
Thermodynamics: temperature and thermometric scales, absolute temperature, heat and internal energy, heat and temperature, specific heat and heat capacity concepts, mechanical equivalent of heat, mechanisms of heat release, ideal gas laws, Avogadro law, real gases, thermodynamic processes, laws of thermodynamics.
Electrostatics and electrodynamics: electric charges and Coulomb’s law, electrostatic field, electrostatic potential energy, electric potential, voltage. Ohmic conductors and Ohm’s laws; power dispersed in a conductor, electrolytic conductors.
Waves: mechanical and electromagnetic waves, transverse and longitudinal waves, concepts of period and frequency, wave function, wave parameters, wave intensity. Sound and its properties.
Radiations: electromagnetic spectrum, thermic radiations and their intensity. Classification of electromagnetic waves, ionizing radiations and their biological effects, X-rays absorption and radiotherapy.
Teaching methods
Front side lectures
Reccomended or required readings
* F. Borsa, A. Lascialfari,
“Principi di Fisica”, ed. Edises
* F. Borsa, G. L. Introzzi, D. Scannicchio, ELEMENTI DI FISICA per diplomi di indirizzo medico biologico. Edizioni UNICOPLI, Milano.
* F. Borsa, S. Altieri, LEZIONI DI FISICA CON LABORATORIO. Edizioni La Goliardica, Pavia
* Files delle slides proiettate a lezione
Assessment methods
Written test of questions with multiple answer and/or exercises and/or open-text questions.
Oral only on request to increase the score.
Further information
* email docente:
* tel. docente : 0382 987499
* ricevimento studenti : appuntamento da concordare via email col docente
* sito web slides lezioni :
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