Enrollment year
Academic discipline
(26/09/2022 - 13/01/2023)
Lesson hours
48 lesson hours
The course requires the student to have basic and introductory
notions of anatomy, biochemistry, physiology and pharmacology, that
are preparatory to the topics covered in the teaching course.
Learning outcomes
The student should be able to apply the knowledge and skills
acquired during the course
to the understanding of the molecular basis of human diseases, as well as the rationale behind pharmacological treatments.
Course contents
- Animal models of human diseases
- Neurodegenerative diseases
Mechanisms of neuronal damage
- Movement disorders: Parkinson's disease, parkinsonisms
- Chorea, dystonia
- Azheimer's disease and dementias
- Demyelinating diseases - Clinical pictures and presentation
- Autoimmune mechanisms
- Biomarkers of disease
- Peripheral neuropathies
Teaching methods
The course is organized in frontal lectures, carried out through
PowerPoint presentations, compemented with video sessions, which will help students to see practical examples of human diseases. This activity will also include integration with case studies and simulation approaches.
In addition, the training activities will be integrated by in-depth seminars.
Reccomended or required readings
Kandel-Schwarz: Principles of Neural Sciences
-Content of the topics covered during lectures.
Assessment methods
Oral examination.
The final evaluation is based on the degree of depth and understanding
of the topics presented and on the ability to integrate the knowledge
acquired during the course.
Further information
Oral examination.
The final evaluation is based on the degree of depth and understanding
of the topics presented and on the ability to integrate the knowledge
acquired during the course.
Sustainable development goals - Agenda 2030
Quality education is the basis for improving people's lives and achieving sustainable development. For this reason it is essential to ensure a healthy life and promote the well-being of through education and knowledge. Great progress has been made in terms of increasing life expectancy. Much remains to be done to improve understanding of the neurobiological mechanisms underlying neurological diseases.