Enrollment year
Academic discipline
2nd semester (03/03/2025 - 06/06/2025)
Lesson hours
8 lesson hours
Activity type
The course is part of general clinical training and requires basic knowledge of anatomy, physiology, biochemistry and pharmacology. It is preferable that the student has already taken courses in neurology and psychiatry and acquired the basic knowledge. This will enable them to grasp the specificity of neurological or psychiatric disorders with developmental onset.
Learning outcomes
The course contents will be addressed taking into consideration the
ethical and ethical principles that, depending on the specific topic, will be
described in detail by the lecturer, both from a theoretical point of view and
with direct connection to practical activity (e.g. through the discussion
of example cases).
Course contents
Preliminary topics for understanding pathological pictures: Neuropsychic development; Birth of psychic life. Development of the relationship and protective and risk factors for the relationship; Notions of epidemiology in the field of child neuropsychiatry. Approach to the sick child and his family; Neurological examination of the newborn, infant and child; Psychiatric assessment; Normality and pathology.
The main pictures of child psychopathology; Neurodevelopmental disorders (Autism spectrum disorders; Attention deficit hyperactivity disorder; Learning and language disorders. Intellectual disability) Neurosis; Psychosis; Depression in children and adolescents. Adolescent Mental Anorexia and Eating Behaviour Disorders; Personality Disorders; Adolescent Psychopathology.
The main pictures of child neurology: Cerebral palsies in children; Malformations of the Central Nervous System and Hydrocephalus; Epilepsy in childhood and adolescence; Pathologies of the extrapyramidal system; Neuromuscular diseases (primary spinal amyotrophies, muscular dystrophies, peripheral neuropathies, neuromuscular junction pathologies). . Migraine and idiopathic early headaches.
Teaching methods
Lectures and video sessions as part of the integrated General and Specialist Paediatrics course
The lectures dealing with these topics are supplemented by interaction spaces in which the training objective is to train participants
in the observation and description of neurological semeiology, with particular emphasis on how the exercise of observation and description is essential for a shared multi-professional interpretation.
As part of the University's Inclusive Teaching activities, the lecturer guarantees up to 2 hours of reception time per week, to be agreed with the lecturer by e-mail.
Reccomended or required readings
Lecture slides will be provided.
Suggested Child Neuropsychiatry texts:
- Lanzi Balottin - Argomenti di Neuropsichiatria Infantile - Quinta Edizione - Italian Univeristy Press
- Roberto Militerni - Neuropsichiatria Infantile - Sesta Edizione - Idelson Gnocchi
- Alexis Arzimanoglou – Aicardi’s Diseases of the Neurvous System in Childhood – 4th Edition – Mac Keith Press
- D. Marcelli. - Psicopatologia del bambino - 2013 - Masson ed.
Assessment methods
The examination at the end of the Course consists of a purely oral test covering Child Neuropsychiatry, Paediatric Surgery and General and Specialist Paediatrics, which will cover the entire examination programme set out in the ‘Programme and Contents’ section
Further information
Attendance at lectures (75% attendance) as part of the integrated paediatrics course for a total of 8 hours is considered compulsory by the Faculty of Medicine's regulations and mandated in order to sit the examination.
Sustainable development goals - Agenda 2030
the course contributes to the knowledge included in objectives 3,4,5,10 on the quality of education, in particular, in the aspects of promoting non-violent education, peace, gender equality, and the development of respect for others and morality. It also contributes to the health promotion objectives.