Enrollment year
Academic discipline
2nd semester (26/02/2024 - 24/05/2024)
Lesson hours
16 lesson hours
The student should know general Pathology and Anatomy.
Learning outcomes
The goal of the Course is to teach the in training Medical Doctors the Plastic Surgery related diseases: treatment limits and opportunities, direct treatment in emergency, patients driving to an adequate clinical specialistic pathway and help after the hospital discharge.
During the first lessons the biological and anatomical basis of the peculiar plastic surgery techniques are presented; thereafter the big grouping pathologies are discussed: trauma, tumors, degenerative diseases, congenital malformations.
A special attention is payed to the current cosmetic medical proceedures.
Course contents
Wound healing. Scars. Sutures. Skin grafts. Bioengineered skin substitutes. Not cutaneous grafts. Regenerative surgery. Transplants and flaps. Implants. Burns. Face and limbs tyrauma. Sores and difficult to heal wounds. Breast reconstruction. Skin rtumors. Congenital malformations. Hand surgery. Facial palsy. Cosmetic Surgery: generaaal principles and ethical committements; rhinoplasty, otoplasty, blepharoplasty, face lifting, breast augmentation, breast lift, breast reduction, abdominoplasty, liposurgery, cosmetic medicine procedures.
Hands on sessions for a limited number of students are organized to teach the basic methods of skin suture.
IV year students are accepted in the ward for 4 weeks.
Students willing to be graduated with a thesis in Plastic Surgery should introduce their application on line (chplast@unipv.it)
Teaching methods
Traditional classes with projection of clinical images.
Reccomended or required readings
For the exam:
A. Faga “Chirurgia Plastica, ricostruttiva ed estetica” 3rd ed. Masson Elsevier LSWR publ.
To deepen topics:
J. Weinzweig “Plastic Surgery Secrets”, Hanley Belfus inc. Medical Publishers
Assessment methods
The exam for the integrated course of Skin Diseases and Plastic Surgery is oral.
The students should sit the exams for the single modules of Skin Diseases and Plastic Surgery at the same session.
Should the student fail exam in one module, she/he is allowed to resit it in the following session. Beyond this date the passed module will no longer be valid. In any case the recovery opportunity ends at the end of the academic year.
The exam is oral and is based upon the whole program. When preparing the exam, the student should refer to both the lessons and the textbook. The oral dissertation is based on the effective approach to a clinical case, it should be organized with logical order moving from the general to the particular and it should be supported by solid arguments, in a correct Italian language with the appropriate use of medical terminology.
Further information
The course lessons do not cover the whole program for the exam and the remaining part of it is left to the student’s individual study.
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