Enrollment year
Academic year
Academic discipline
Year of study
2nd semester (26/02/2024 - 24/05/2024)
Lesson hours
16 lesson hours
Activity type
It is necessary for the student to possess the basics of General Pathology and Anatomy
Learning outcomes
The student should therefore be able at the end of the course to

- recognise the main dermatoses of a microbial nature (bacterial, viral and fungal) and to set up their treatment;
- make the differential diagnosis between the most frequent dermatoses, psoriasis, superficial mycoses, contact eczema and atopic dermatitis
- recognise the main cutaneous drug reactions;
- diagnose the main skin neoplasms and carry out effective prevention and early diagnosis;
- diagnose sexually transmitted diseases (STDs) and operate an effective prevention aimed at limiting contagion
- recognise the main histopathological reactive pattterns of the skin and know how to correlate them with clinical manifestations
Course contents
L* Generalities on the skin: macroscopic and microscopic characters
* Elemental primary and secondary skin lesions.
* Clinico-pathological correlations primary and secondary lesions
* Reactive histopathological patterns of the skin and clinico-pathological correlations
* Parasitic dermatoses: Scabies, Pediculosis, Larva migrans, Leishmaniasis
- Cutaneous mycoses: Superficial mycoses, Candidiasis, Pityriasis versicolor
- Pyogenic dermatitis: Pyoderma (impetigo/erysipela/cellulitis, Necrotizing fasciitis), folliculitis, foruncle, suppurative hiidroadenitis
- Cutaneous tuberculosis
- Hansen's disease (leprosy)
- Cutaneous virosis: Herpesvirus, Coxsackievirus, Papillomavirus, Poxvirus, orf, milkers' nodule
- Acne
- Rosacea
- Eczemas and eczematiform dermatitis: Allergic contact dermatitis, Atopic dermatitis, Eczema seborrhoea, Dyshidrosis, Eczema nummulare, Dermatitis
detritive dermatitis
- Acute and chronic urticaria
- Drug-related skin disorders: exanthema, fixed drug erythema, polymorphous erythema, Steven-Johnson syndrome, toxic epidermal necrolysis
(Lyell's syndrome), DRESS syndrome
- panniculitis, with particular reference to: erythema nodosum, panniculitis lupica, Bazin's indurated erythema, cold panniculitis, periarteritis nodosa
- Psoriasis
- Gibert's pityriasis rosea
- Erythrodermiasis (psoriasis, pityriasis rubra pilaris, iatrogenic, Sezary syndrome, eczematous)
- Lichen ruber planus and lichenoid dermatitis (generalities), cutaneous graft versus host disease
- Collagenopathies: chronic discoid lupus erythematosus, SLE, subacute cutaneous lupus, panniculitic lupus, lupus tumidus, dermatomyositis, progressive systemic scleroderma, CREST syndrome and morphea
- Autoimmune bullous dermatoses: Pemphigus, Pemphigoid, Dermatitis herpetiformis, Linear Ig A bullous dermatosis, Congenital bullous epidermolysis and
* Aphthrosis and Behect's disease
- Precancerosis"/carcinomas in situ of the skin and of the oral and genital mucosa (actinic keratosis, Bowen's disease, mammary and
extramammary, Queyrat's erythroplasia, leukoplakia)
- Benign and malignant epithelial tumours: seborrhoeic keratosis, basal cell carcinoma, spinocellular carcinoma, keratoacanthoma
- Cutaneous lymphomas (mycosis fungoides Sezary syndrome, lymphomatoid papulosis, CD30+ T lymphoma, primary cutaneous B-cell lymphomas including lymphoma
marginal, follicular, large cell lymphoma))
- Langerhans cell histiocytosis
- Sarcoidosis
* Porpores and vasculitis
- Angiosarcoma, Kaposi's disease, angiomas and pyogenic granuloma
* Mesenchymal tumours (leiomyoma, leiomyosarcoma, dermatofibroma, dermatofibrosarcoma, lipoma, angiosarcoma)
* Keratinous and non-keratinous cysts
- Nevi: non-melanocytic nevi, melanocytic nevi
- Dermoscopy of pigmented lesions.
- Melanoma
- Pigmentation disorders: vitiligo, albinism, pityriasis alba, melasma
- Nail pathology (mycoses, inflammatory diorders, tumors including melanoma of the nail)
- Principles of dermatologic therapy
- Venereology: syphilis, gonococcal infection, non-gonococcal urethritis, soft ulcer, lymphogranuloma venereum, cutaneous manifestations of A.I.D.S,
sexually transmitted diseases
- Balanospostitis, Phimosis, Paraphimosis.


Practical (hands-on) small-group sessions are organized at the surgical dermatology clinic, and students are instructed in the performance of basic maneuvers of minor dermatologic surgery (curettage, shaving, escission with direct suture, local anesthaesia)
In addition, they are offered the opportunity to participate in small groups with calendared scheduling in the theoretical-practical meetings on clinical and histopathological correlation and multidisciplinary meetings on dermatologic oncology that are held


Students are accepted in shifts to perform an internship in the Department for a period of 4 weeks.

Students who intend to do a graduate internship are accepted after a careful and balanced evaluation of merit and aptitude.
Teaching methods
Frontal lecture.
Interactive quizzes
Presentation of clinical case studies with discussion
Scheduled attendance at the Dermatology outpatient clinic and surgical room
On request, viewing of histopathological preparations of the main dermatoses treated during the course
Reccomended or required readings

1. Malattie cutanee e veneree. Ayala, Lisi, Mofrecola, Argenziano, Stingeni. Seconda edizione, Piccin, 2018 (the entire programme of the course is exposed in a simple way

2. Dermatologia e Malattie Sessualmente Trasmissibili. Mario Pippione. IV Edizione, 2019 Edizioni Minerva Medica.
Pdf power point lessons / topics presented duriing the course

Advanced text:

Andrews'Diseases of the Skin Twelth Edition, Elsevier
Assessment methods
Tests of the individual modules of Skin Diseases and Plastic Surgery as a rule must be taken in the same roll call. In case of failure in either one, it is allowed to be made up by the immediately following examination session. Beyond this date the passed partial examination loses its validity. In any case, the opportunity to make up the partial examination by the immediately following examination roll ends with the conclusion of the academic year, so it is not possible to take one partial examination in one academic year and the other in the next.
The examination test is oral and covers the topics of the entire syllabus, for the preparation of which reference should be made both to the lectures given by the course instructor and the lectures given by the supplementary teaching lecturers as well as to the recommended textbook and the teaching materials made available at the end of each lecture and uploaded to the Kiro platform.
Further information
In addition to the hours of face-to-face teaching by the course instructor, 13 hours of supplementary teaching will be provided by specialists in the fields of hair diseases, nail diseases, melanoma, infectious dermatological and sexually transmitted diseases, and noninvasive diagnostic techniques applied to dermatology, particularly epiluminescence dermoscopy
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