Enrollment year
Academic discipline
1st semester (25/09/2023 - 12/01/2024)
Lesson hours
32 lesson hours
Knowledge of the anatomy and physiology of the cardiovascular system.
Learning outcomes
At the end of the course, students must have acquired the basic knowledge to define the principles of diagnosis and treatment of the main cardiovascular diseases; carry out a clinical examination of the patient and formulate diagnostic hypotheses; and indicate which cardiovascular tests are most relevant. Knowledge of the pathophysiological bases of cardiovascular diseases is fundamental. Therefore, the student must know both the physiology and anatomy of the cardiovascular system.
For each pathology studied, the student must be able to provide an exhaustive definition of the disease, know its epidemiology, pathophysiology, how it manifests clinically, and how it is diagnosed and treated.
It is also important to know the possible evolution of the disease (natural history, complications), what to do and where (principles of medical therapy, home and hospital care), the possible phases of the disease that require urgent intervention (how to recognize urgency, how to treat it). At what advanced stages is it necessary to refer the patient for invasive treatment or surgery.
Course contents
Cardiology: Basis of ECG - Physiology of the coronary circulation and pathophysiology of coronary artery disease - Chronic ischemic heart disease - Invasive and non-invasive diagnosis of chronic ischemic heart disease - Acute coronary syndrome: NSTEMI – STEMI - unstable angina and their treatment - Molecular and cellular therapies for ischemic heart disease - Myocarditis - Pericarditis - Basis of electrophysiology and genetics - Electrophysiological study and trans-catheter ablation - Ventricular tachyarrhythmias - QT Long Syndrome and CPVT - Brugada Syndrome and short QT Syndrome - Atrial fibrillation and TPSV - Pharmacological therapy of arrhythmias - Bradyarrhythmias - Implantable cardiac defibrillators and pacemakers - Syncope - Physiology and physiopathology of autonomic nervous system - Physiopathology, epidemiology, clinical presentation and treatment of heart failure - Treatment of chronic heart failure - Acute heart failure and Cardiogenic Shock - Valvulopathies of the Aorta and Mitral- Endocarditis - Acute right ventricular failure - Chronic pulmonary hypertension- Hypertrophic cardiomyopathy and ARVD - Congenital heart diseases.
Teaching methods
Frontal lessons
Practical or virtual exercises
Reccomended or required readings
- Harrison's Principles of Internal Medicine: Volumes 1 and 2, 18th Edition - Braunwald's Heart Disease: 9th edition
- Rugarli. Medicina interna sistematica. Estratto: Malattie del sistema circolatorio
- Interpretazione dell'ECG. Con righello ECG. 2022 di Dale Dubin
- Per approfondimenti: Braunwald's Heart Disease - E-Book: A Textbook of Cardiovascular Medicine
Assessment methods
Oral examination. Grading scale 0-30.
The student will take the cardiology, cardiac surgery and vascular surgery modules in the same exam session. The grade will correspond to the average of the 3 interviews taking into account each module's CFU. The final grade is calculated and recorded in esse3 by Prof A. D'Armini, Coordinator of the Golgi Course. The final grade is calculated and recorded in esse3 by Prof A. D'Armini
Further information
Oral examination. Grading scale 0-30.
The student will take the cardiology, cardiac surgery and vascular surgery modules in the same exam session. The grade will correspond to the average of the 3 interviews taking into account each module's CFU. The final grade is calculated and recorded in esse3 by Prof A. D'Armini, Coordinator of the Golgi Course. The final grade is calculated and recorded in esse3 by Prof A. D'Armini
Sustainable development goals - Agenda 2030
We will try to pursue the following objectives of the 2030 Agenda:
- Health and wellness;
- Quality education;
- Gender Equality and Partnership for Goals