Enrollment year
Academic discipline
1st semester (26/09/2022 - 13/01/2023)
Lesson hours
64 lesson hours
Activity type
General aspects of radiation physics. General classification of chemicals. Cellular morphology, energy metabolism and redox state. Structure and function of the extracellular matrix. Functions of inflammatory and immune cells. Functions of the reticuloendothelial system. Structure and organization of microcirculation. Features of the cell cycle and differentiation process. Structure and function of DNA. Structure of the arterial wall and lipoprotein metabolism. Functions of platelets, macrophages, smooth muscle cells and lymphocytes.
Learning outcomes
The course of General Pathology will provide students with the basis to define the risk indicators of Preventive Medicine, to address Laboratory Medicine and to set the clinical reasoning. The student will evaluate the role of genetic and environmental factors in the onset and course of the disease and analyze both agents and mechanisms of pathological processes using information derived from Experimental Pathology.
Course contents
Etiology: external and internal agents of diseases; exciting and ionizing radiations; chemical agents; biotransformations.
Dynamics of cellular injury: cell death, necrosis, apoptosis, necroptosis, pyroptosis; autophagy; pathological calcifications. Degeneration and degenerative diseases; intracellular accumulations: vacuolar and cellular swelling; extracellular accumulations: hyalinosis, amyloidosis and fibrinoid degeneration. Accumulation of pigments. Inflammation: experimental models, acute inflammation, chronic inflammation, chemical mediators, systemic effects. Healing processes. Abnormalities of growth: hypertrophy, hyperplasia, neoplasia. Abnormalities of differentiation: metaplasia, dysplasia, anaplasia. Mutagenesis and carcinogenesis. Inflammation, immunity and cancer connections. Thrombus and atheroma.
Teaching methods
The course of General Pathology consists of lectures by using PowerPoint presentations projected on the screen, in-depth studies using the blackboard, collective demonstrations with digital microscope in the lecture theatre and individual practice in the teaching laboratory equipped with 50 microscopes and 50 collections of 20 histopathological preparations each. Student education takes place also through practical training by microscope on morphological changes of pathological specimens in view of the exam preparation.
Reccomended or required readings
General Pathology – Altucci et al. (Idelson-Gnocchi);
Pathologic basis of disease (Vol. I) - Robbins and Cotran (Elsevier - Masson);
Cells, tissues and disease. Principles of General Pathology - Guido Majno, Isabelle Joris (CEA);
General Pathology - Pontieri et al. (Piccin)
All the books are available for consultation at the Unit of Immunology and Pathology, Via Ferrata 9, Pavia.
Assessment methods
The exam of Pathology is written and includes a discussion of pathological specimens by light microscopy. 12 thematic questions on at least 5 topics covered during the lectures will be given. The exam questions are varied, such as definitions, descriptions, problems; the oral discussion will focus on the microscopic identification and definition of the most important tissue alterations. The students must demonstrate the achievement of the educational goals of the course. The evaluation considers the degree of depth and understanding of the topics, but also the ability to integrate the knowledge acquired.
The final mark of General Pathology will be the sum of Pathology, Pathophysiology marks and the discussion of pathological specimen evaluations.
Further information
Histopathology practices are carried oud by MED04 teachers together with tutors previously trained.
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