Enrollment year
Academic discipline
1st semester (26/09/2022 - 13/01/2023)
Lesson hours
32 lesson hours
Knowledge of basis of renal anatomy and physiology.
Learning outcomes
The objectives training will be the following:
1. Know how to describe and recognize the clinical signs of depletion and extracellular volume expansion in the patient. Learn to describe the peripheral edema diagnostic algorithm. Know how to change the volume of extracellular volume.
2. To describe and recognize in the patient the clinical signs of plasma hyperpo-mality. Know how to correct an alteration of plasma osmolarity.
3. Know how to describe the mechanisms that generate an acidosis and a metabolic alkalosis. Learn to recognize clinical signs and indicate corrective methods.
4. To describe and recognize in the patient the clinical signs of hypo-hyperpotassiemia.
5. Know how to interpret a urine test.
6. To describe and recognize in the patient the clinical signs of nephritic syndrome and nephrotic syndrome.
7. Learn to describe the diagnostic algorithm of hematuria, proteinuria, oliguria
8. Describe the pathogenesis, clinical and laboratory signs and the evolution of glomerulonephritis.
9 Know how to describe the mechanisms of acute renal damage and indicate the differential diagnostic signs of functional forms with respect to organic forms.
10. Describe the clinical and laboratory signs of chronic renal disease. Know the guidelines and general principles of the substitution treatment for renal function (dialysis, transplantation).
11. Must learn the notions of the most common therapeutic and diagnostic maneuvers as well as indications of the surgical and endoscopic therapy of urinary apparatus.
Course contents
1) Anatomy and renal physiology
2) Nephrology semeiotics
3) Electrolytic alterations
4) Acid-base equilibrium alteration
5) Acute renal damage (AKI)
6) Kidney and ipertension
7) Hereditary diseases
8) Nephrotic syndrome
9) Nephritic syndrome
10) Primitive and secondary glomerulonephritis
11) Diabetic nephropathy
12) Urinary tract infection
13) Nephrolithiasis
14) Chronic renal disease and uremia
15) Hemodialysis
16) Kidney transplantation
17) Kidney and pregnancy
Teaching methods
The course is based on frontal lessons in the classroom, eventually integrated by seminars practical training which the obligatory frequency is of the 80% of the hours assigned.
Reccomended or required readings
Kidney diseases. Schematic nephrology.
Carmelo Libetta, Vincenzo Sepe
Publisher: Piccin-Nuova Libraria
Assessment methods
The assessment of achievement of the course objectives will involve an oral examination. Verification will be through an examination on all the topics of the two modules (Nephrology and Urology) of the integrated course, aimed at assessing not only knowledge of the individual nosographic entities but also the ability to make differential diagnoses. The final grade is the weighted average (based on CFU) of the grades of the two modules.
It is not possible to take the modules separately in two consecutive appeals, so failure to achieve a passing grade in one of the two lectures of the integrated course will oblige the student to repeat both tests.
Further information
Prof. Carmelo Libetta receives students on Wednesday from 11.00 to 12.00
Tel. +39.0382.501813
e.mail: carlib.04@unipv.it; carmelo.libetta@unipv.it
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