Enrollment year
Academic discipline
2nd semester (07/03/2022 - 17/06/2022)
Lesson hours
84 lesson hours
Activity type
Knowledge due to University course "Tecnica Urbanistica", building typology, distribution parameters; geography.
Learning outcomes
The purpose of the course is to provide the students with fundamental knowledge on urban planning together with proper operational tools. They will study territorial transformation processes and current Law. The course is 180 hours: 80h lectures, 40h tutorials/practice and 60h Laboratory.
Course contents
The course focuses on the analysis of the interrelationship between man and environment and on human actions entailing environment, landscape, territorial transformation.
Themes mainly concern current priorities of land development to be implemented with respect for landscape, protecting natural habitats and safeguarding principles of sustainability. The key role of the "public city" is particularly underlined as a prerequisite for harmonious and measured evolution of anthropic settlement.
The lectures cover the following topics:
The urban composition
Major urban composition techniques, the graphical representation of territory, the urban grid, urban density, morphology: control and composition of urban space.
The square: a key element for planning urban open space.
Roads planning and new developments in contemporary urban mobility.
Urban and territorial sustainability
Historical relationship between urban settlement and climatic context.
Control tools in urban planning, use of renewable sources of energy, management strategies for sustainable development.
VIA, VAS as necessary control tools of territorial and urban planning.
Useful methodological guidelines to face the problem of pollution.
Concept of thermal comfort and bioclimatic project.
Microclimatic and environmental control, green design strategies for the maintenance of comfort conditions in open areas and enclosed spaces.
The role of water as a natural element that can contribute to climate control in open/enclosed spaces.
Public and private interest in urban planning
Exemplification of development plans through the juxtaposition of public and private interests.
Private contribution to the management and execution of public works.
Going beyond the classical concept of public service.
Sharing Economy and Smart City From the material city to the non-material, the meaning of resilient City / cooperative City.
New urban behaviors, new mobility strategies.
Urban planning and critique by
Francoise Choay (3 urban models: cultural, progressive, organic), settlement utopias, developments of a future city.
The regeneration of disused areas.
Redeveloping, reusing and enhancing unoccupied urban space; the phenomenon of soil-consuming, analysis of the new regional regulations.
Financial, economic and ecological issues in urban planning.
Plan of ecological sustainability: private and public building sustainability (water, green, energy, waste), ratio of sustainability to the total cost of works.Nutrition ecological balance and forestry ecological balance.
Laboratory and exercises.
Didactic contents will be put into practice during the laboratory activities simulating urban planning based on real territorial cases at town councils level.
Besides, “Ex tempore” tutorials will be dedicated to the solution of issues related to public space, urban dimensioning, urban morphology.
Teaching methods
Lectures (hours/year in lecture theatre): 80
Practical classes (hours/year in lecture theatre): 40
Practicals / Workshops
hours/year in lecture theatre): 60
Reccomended or required readings
A. Giachetta, A. Magliocco “Progettazione sostenibile – dalla pianificazione territoriale all’ecodesign”, Carrocci Editore (capp. 1, 2, 3, 4).
Camillo Sitte: "L'arte di costruire le citta" Jaka Book. ISBN 88-16-40065-X.
L’immagine della città, Kevin Lynch, 1960.
R. De Lotto, M.L. Di Tolle “Elementi di progettazione urbana – rigenerazione urbana nella città contemporanea” Maggioli Editore, 2013.
De Lotto R., 2008. Città e pianificazione: la tradizione di Pavia e le opportunità per il futuro. Maggioli Editore. Francoise Choay “La città. Utopie e realta” Einaudi.
R. Dell'Osso: "Spazi pubblici contemporanei" Maggioli Editore. ISBN-88-916-0433-0.
Carlo Ratti: “Architettura Open Source”, Einaudi.
RIVISTA DOMUS EDIZIONE n. 996 Supplemento “The Smart City”, Nov. 2015 Città circolare, economia dal basso, processi.
LOTUS n. 150/2012 “Urban landscape”.
Diamond J. (2005), “Collasso”, Einaudi, Torino.
Heiddeger M. (2007), “Saggi e discorsi” Mursia Editore, Milano.
Newmann P., Jennings I. (2008), “Cities as sustainable ecosystems”, Island Press House.
Assessment methods
After developing a accomplished project in the laboratory activity, the students will be admitted to an oral examination (rarely a short written text is required) on the topics and themes examined during the course.
In addition to basic texts and didactic materials given out during classes, some supplementary readings are required; further studies on the student’s initiative will be appreciated.
Further information
For further information please contact at the email below:
Sustainable development goals - Agenda 2030