Enrico Creaco’s website — Teaching

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Optimizing the design and management of water networks

In academic year 2016/2017, I held this course mainly addressed to PhD students.

In the first part of the course (days 1 and 2), the techniques most commonly adopted in optimization problems are described, in an attempt to provide the PhD students with the «tools of the trade». Applications concerning the problems of optimal design (day 3) and management (day 4) of water distribution networks follow. Each topic is accompanied by exercises in the Matlab™ Environment.


Day 1:  Classification of optimization techniques, Uncontrained optimization, Constrained optimization, Examples in Matlab

Day 2: Single-Objective Genetic Algorithms, Multi-Objective Genetic Algorithms, Examples in Matlab

Day 3: Optimal allocation of water resources in the irrigation context. Optimal design of water distribution networks

Day 4: Optimal management of water distribution networks. Location of isolation and control valves

